Monday, July 03, 2006


Steve Wozniak, founder of Apple computer

Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy's

Benito Juarez, Mexico president

Kalakaua, king of Hawaii

W.E.B. DuBois, a founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Medgar Evers, martyred civil rights activist

Leonardo DiCaprio, actor

Alex Haley, author of "Roots"

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,


John Glenn, astronaut and U.S. senator

Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. president


Freemasonry is like an ancient oak tree with many branches. Here are a few of the different connected organizations.

For men:

York Rite: This system is made up of three groups that gave 10 higher degrees: the Royal Arch degrees; three Cryptic Mason degrees; and three Chivalric orders that end with the Knights Templar Order.

Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite: Some of its degrees delve into the story of building Solomon's

The front door of the Highlands Masonic Temple features an elaborate wrought-iron design. (Post / Glen Martin)
Temple that begins in the first three lodge degrees. Like the York Rite, this system is considered "continuing education" in Masonry.

For women:

Order of the Eastern Star, Order of the Amaranth, White Shrine of Jerusalem: These don't offer degrees of Masonry for women but are for women connected to Masons.

For youth:

DeMolay International: For boys, it's named after Jacques DeMolay, the last grand master of the original Knights Templar. Requires belief in a supreme being.

Job's Daughters International: For girls who are direct descendants of Master Masons; belief in a supreme being is required.


1. False. Keitel wore a Masonic ring.

2. True. Shriners are probably the most popular organization that's part of Masonry. Before a man can become a Shriner, he must be a Freemason.

3. False. It was the "Homer the Great" episode on "The Simpsons," when Homer wanted to join the lodge of "Stonecutters" so he could get perks like better parking places.

4. True. Three candles, three knocks on the door, three stages of life, three degrees, three principle numbers. That's because Aristotle and Plato taught that three symbolizes the Supreme Being since 1 + 2 = 3, and three contains the other two numbers.

5. False. It's the white leather apron, the first gift given to a Freemason, and buried with him at death. There are many portraits of George Washington wearing his Masonic apron.

6. False. Michael Richards, who played Cosmo Kramer on Seinfeld, said this when talking about his lodge. He became a Mason after discovering that his comic hero, Red Skelton, was a Mason.

7. True. Originally, it was the tool stonemasons used to square their work. Later, it became the symbol that signfied a man's honesty, fairness, and virtue.

8. False. It's been known since the late 17th century. The password for the first degree is Boaz; for the second degree, Jachin; for the third degree, Mahabyn.

9. False. But "Ivanhoe," a story of 13th-century knights written by Freemason Sir Walter Scott, was so popular in those days that it widely influenced notions of honor and chivalry. Freemason Mark Twain blamed Scott's work for leading to the war by glorifying outmoded ideals of rank and privilege.

10. True. Men of all religious are welcome, but they must believe in a supreme being.

Sources: Freemasons for Dummies by Christopher Hodapp; Forbidden Faith by Richard Smoley.


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